Pumping breast milk might be daunting at first, but it isn’t complicated once you get the knack for it. The main key to success is to be patient, even when you cannot express as much as you’d like right away. Here are the essential steps to keep in mind while pumping breast milk.
Steps to pump breast milk
Don’t rush
In the initial weeks, you and your baby work together to initiate and build milk supply. If you and the baby are healthy and breastfeeding is going well, then you would not require a pump unless you need to be apart from the baby at any time or if the baby has some special needs.
Before pumping breast milk, always thoroughly wash your hands with lukewarm water. Next, find a comfortable place for meditation and yoga for approximately 10 minutes. And then a soft massage of both breasts for let- down.
Encourage let-down
Start with the low suction to pump both breasts. For the first breast pumping session, try to express for at least 15 minutes. Then you may increase to a comfortable suction. You may likely compress your breast with one of your hands to get more milk. Continue till the milk flow slows down to a trickle.
Again massage your breasts in the areas you feel full.
Express into the pump’s bottle
You may likely use whichever method you find most comfortable to express most milk. For example, either by pumping one breast at a time or by hand expressing your milk into the pump’s battle shield.
Pump regularly
Your breasts make more milk than you will be able to pump. So to keep up your milk supply, it is essential to pump regularly while away from the baby. According to research, women who double pump typically express almost a fifth more milk instead of pumping from each breast in turn.
Once your supply is established, you can easily save valuable time by tailoring how long it would take to pump milk.
Pumping shouldn’t hurt.
If you face difficulty or pain with pumping, you may likely consider taking advice from the WIC office or a lactation consultant.
Be hygienic
Determinate to wash your hands before and after breast pumping. Next, clean the pump, and you’ll also need to sanitize them at least once a day. Finally, let all the pump pieces dry out completely, then store the pump set in a clear container or bag until next use.
Benefits of pumping breast milk
Control over timings
Pumping breast milk gives a good option for caretakers to schedule their work accordingly. They can decide the timing of feeding based on the schedule. Additionally, managing the timing of pumping milk and feedings can promote a return to work.
Ability to share feedings
If you’re choosing to pump over breastfeeding, you don’t have to be the only one responsible for feeding the little one. A caretaker or partner can help too.
A person needs to handle as many feeds a baby requires, often including nighttime wakings. Therefore pumping breast milk may encourage a favorable balance of childcare growth. Additionally, it is convenient to let the person breastfeeding feel more relaxed and rested.
Sharing feeding can be highly beneficial when the caregiver convalesce from childbirth during the immediate postpartum period.
Addresses supply problems
Pumping breast milk allows you to build a supply that helps to store the extra milk for later use. In addition, it helps to build a freezer store of milk in case a person is bothered about insufficient supply. Therefore, It is one of the best ways to address breast milk supply issues.
Essential breaks
Pumping breast milk allows you to cope with the months of sleep deprivation and essentially helps you recover from childbirth. As child caring demands time management while coping with everyday work, pumping breast milk beforehand helps.
Additionally, storing breast milk allows caretakers to head out on a date or a vacation without worrying about the child’s food and other requirements.
Suppose a person is a working professional. Pumping breast milk lets those caring for the baby offer the same healthy milk. In addition, child monitors are handy to keep an eye on your baby.
Donor Milk
Pumping breast milk allows you to donate your extra milk to moms who cannot breastfeed their babies but want their little child to get the essential benefits of breast milk. Likewise, an individual who cannot create enough milk can supplement their supply with milk from a milk bank.
The American Academy of Pediatrics emphasizes exclusive breastfeeding for six months. But if a woman cannot create milk, then pumping milk from a donor is a great option to provide essential nutrients.
The best breast pumps help in relieving engorgement and boosting milk supply.
Pumping and storing breast milk helps give the baby all the benefits that come from breast milk while you continue to work. And it helps in ensuring you provide the baby with that liquid gold. The steps mentioned earlier are handy to help you reap the benefit of using a breast pump. Additionally, the child product or pumping breast milk gives you the option of donating your milk for a good cause.