The fact is, every responsible parent is concerned about their child’s safety. At the same time, kids need to socialize at a very young age and be able to have a certain level of growth and develop independence. It’s all about finding a healthy balance. Most of the time, we pay attention to the school’s learning end product, the school’s rating, and the school’s brand name. But with all the recent incidents happening in schools, children’s safety and security are a growing concern.
Though safety inside your child’s school is eventually the principal and the staff’s responsibility, parents can implement a few steps to ensure their child’s safe school experience, too. Parents should ensure that their school is safe for their children from the sexual offense, bullying, physical safety, medical emergencies, etc. While always keeping your eyes peeled on your kids may not always be rational, this article will help you find ways to ensure your child’s safety at his school.
The Best Tips To Make Sure Children Stay Safe At School
Often safety at school is a major concern of the parents. Here are some tips that will help your children stay safe at school:
Updated on Covid-19
Covid-19 is a new virus with the possibility of infecting people of any age group, but so far, the cases registered among children are quite less. It is still not learned how this virus may affect children. As a parent, your child’s health is of your utmost concern.
Understanding the necessary information on this virus, its symptoms, and complications, how it is transmitted, and how to prevent its transmission. Stay informed through reputable sites like WHO and UNICEF and be aware of fake information/myths and remedies circulated online.
If your child isn’t displaying any symptoms such as a fever or cough, it’s best to keep them in school unless relevant warning or official advice has been issued affecting your child’s school. You must teach your child proper hand and respiratory hygiene practices for school and elsewhere, like frequent washing their hands and covering a cough or sneeze with an elbow or tissue. Tell them to throw away the tissue into a bin, and not touch their eyes, mouths, or noses if they haven’t adequately washed their hands.
Know the school’s policies
Schools usually cite their policies in student handbooks. As a parent, you must be highly aware of the rules, expectations, and consequences for not meeting the expectations for things like student behavior, dress codes, electronic devices, and unacceptable language. The policies may include details about attendance, vandalism, cheating, and fighting. Make sure your child’s schools also have specific policies about bullying. It’s helpful to know the school’s definition of bullying, consequences to be faces for bullying, support for victims, and procedures for reporting a bully.
Ensure that the school handles physical safety (the school should be designed to be earthquake-resilient and have fitted fire safety). Psychological safety (Schools must provide the right environment to develop and improve talents to facilitate the development of a child’s personality) is highly crucial.
Often parents neglect the transportation safety (the school transportation must have GPS trackers to ensure the parents for their child’s safety) of your child. But this is equally essential. Your child must know what he/she can expect at school and the consequences when expectations aren’t met. It gets more comfortable for your child when school expectations are a match even at home, so kids see both environments safe and places that work together as a team.
Make Time to Talk About School
Make time to talk with your child every day so that they know what goes on at their school of importance to you. When kids see their parents’ involvement in their academic lives, they’ll take school seriously. Since communication is a two-way process, the way you talk and listen to your child will influence how well your child attends and responds. It’s essential to listen carefully and keep your focus only on your child while you talk.
Be sure to ask questions that go beyond “yes” or “no.” The early years of schooling are an essential time for parents to be informed and supportive about their child’s education and set the stage for them to develop and grow as young independent learners.
Attend parents’- teacher’s meeting
Attending parent-teacher conferences is another way to stay informed. These are usually held once or twice a year with your child’s progress report. The discussions are a chance to start conversations with your child’s teacher and discuss strategies to help your child do his best. Parents’- teachers meet impacts your child because what goes on in school will be shared at home. If your child has special learning needs, then additional meetings can be scheduled with teachers. The parents or guardians can request meetings with teachers and school counselors during the school year.
Health is safety
To fuel up your child and have them school ready requires nutritious food and proper sleeping hours. To help boost your child’s attention, concentration, and memory by providing breakfast foods rich in fiber and protein and are slightly low in added sugar.
Suppose your child runs late, pack along with fresh fruit, almonds, yogurt, or some quick sandwich. Apart from a healthy breakfast, make sure your child has the right amount of sleep to be ready and alert. Lack of sleep may irritate your child’s behavior, which might cause him to be inattentive. It’s essential to have a bedtime routine, especially on the school nights.
Use productive technology like smartwatches
Time is an integral part of our lives, whether you are all grown up or just a young kid. Kids digital smart watches are easy to read and understand. Other than that keeping track of time. Other than that these smart watches helps you to monitor your child’s every moment. The features included are GPS trackers, parental supervision apps, and many more, which help parents supervise the kids’ activities.
With the smartwatch, parents can create a safety lock area and receive a notification. These would help monitor activities, assisting parents in keeping an eye on their child, under the space of a controlled environment. Communication turns out to have an adverse effect as parents utilize them to enforce a safer environment for their children.
The above-listed tips are not the only safety measures to be followed by a parent. The best way to keep your child safe is by building a proper communicative relationship with your child. Specific safety measures cannot be implied in your child’s life until your child speaks about it freely. With appropriate physical health, make sure your child’s mental health is balanced. With growing competition, your child can feel apathetic. It can affect their behavior and ability to complete daily tasks. An active network of friends and family help the child to maintain interest, enthusiasm, and strength.
Be it school, home, or anywhere else your child grow from every experience/situation they face, a safer and a healthier environment is the key to potential improvement. For your child to study well and understand all that is taught in school, they must remain safe and healthy. Any inconvenience to them in school or at home will adversely affect their thoughts. These thinking patterns will change their later life. Education is crucial, but a perfect state of mind and a healthy body are indispensable factors. For the overall growth of your child, make sure to know how to keep them safe at school.