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How To Save Money When Installing Home Alarm Systems?


How To Save Money When Installing Home Alarm Systems?

“You Get What You Have Paid For” this rule applies to all the remedies available in the market including Home Alarm System. That is why some of the models of home security systems are cheap and some are expensive. No doubt, having a home alarm system protects your valuables and family from burglars. But are they worth what you spend on it? How much they cost? Here is a costing analysis, focusing on all angles of a security system.

The Expenses That Determine The Cost Of Home Alarm System

  • Equipment Costing: –

    The growing technology of the security industry allows us to have numerous sensors and equipment to get installed. Individually, they all are affordable but can be expensive when the whole system is considered. So, install only the required equipment. Be wise while choosing them. Be well informed about the purpose of each equipment and why they are necessary.

  • Installation Cost: –

    Professional installation isn’t really necessary. Some companies with huge famous tags will charge you extra installation fees but the truth is that you don’t need them, by installing a DIY security system you can skip these fees. The advancing technology had made the installation super easy.

  • Monthly Monitoring Cost: –

    This is the monthly fee you give to the security companies to monitor your house 24/7 hours by an external monitoring center. The charges are decided based on the plan and equipment you have chosen while signing up. Most companies are straightforward about their monitoring fees and deny to negotiate the fees. While some set a base price and then adjusts according to your monitored equipment.

How Companies Are Reducing Cost To Make Alarm System More Affordable

Due to cut-throat competition, security companies mark their lowest price possible. Here are some ways in which companies lower their price-

  1. Reducing The Upfront Costs For Customers Who Sign In Monthly Monitoring Pack: –

    Provides a great deal for those who cannot afford the hefty cost of installation and activation. No doubt, you are paying less in present, but if the long term is considered you are paying more.

  2. Offering DIY home alarm systems: –

    This offer can be ideal for people who are ready to pay for the more upfront costs. This pack benefits you with less or constantly lowering monthly monitoring fees.

Is a Home Alarm System Really Worth It?

After discussing the cost factors and security company schemes let’s see why it is necessary to have a home alarm system. According to a statistic by ASECURELIFE, within 15 seconds in the USA a Burglary occurs. Averagely, people lose $2,230 per burglary. Houses that are not equipped with a security system have 300% chances to be burglarized. Approximately, 75% of the burglaries are reported to police rest are not. The only solution is to install a home security system to not be part of this static.

The home alarm system not only protects your property or valuable but also peace of mind and sense of safety.


There are 55 million users all over the US with home security system installation and most of them have the same primary reasons either “peace of mind” or “property protection”. The users are growing steadily because of their accessible technology and encouragement from insurance companies by providing great discounts on rates. A security system is always worth the investment, whether it’s professionally monitored, self-monitored, or a local alarm system. Statistics prove that home security systems work 60% convicted burglars are detected by them. You can adjust your budget according to your preference, as benefits from an alarm system are far outweigh then its costs.

Home Alarm Systems

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