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Road Bike vs. Mountain Bike For A Better Workout?


Cycling is one of the best and common ways to work out with a great outdoor feel. However, it can be challenging to decide which bike to choose as a means to work out. Although both road bikes and mountain bikes ate great for exercising, the choice will depend on several things. Like, the area you are living in is an essential factor while deciding on the bike. Because buying a mountain bike will not make sense if you are residing in a city.

The second important thing on which your decision depends is your experience. If you are not an experienced biker, staying on a road bike will be the best choice. So to make it easier for you, we will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of both bikes.

The Pros of a Road Bike

A Road bike has excellent speed, which is beneficial for boosting cardio. They have very light frames; therefore, you can quickly propel them forward and get a better and inclusive workout. It means that road bikes can help you in boosting your fitness.

Another advantage is that as they are lightweight, you can travel long distances with more endurance. And riding longer distances will provide you with better cardio and a full-body workout. It is also beneficial for your thighs and calves. Not only for the exercise, but a road bike is also helpful for performing errands. And if you want to incorporate exercise into your daily routine and ride around town, a road bike is the best choice.

Are road bikes good for workouts?

Cycling improves muscle endurance and your lower body parts. It also burns around 400 to 500 calories per hour. It means that riding a bike is better cardio than jogging, walking, or running. Riding bikes boosts stamina more effectively and increases the strength of the body muscles.

The purpose of the road bikes for 50 years was to run marathon races. Road bikes do not have any complex components or gears like mountain bikes. So they are the best option for intense and prolonged training because you can take them anywhere you want. Not only that, but you can also ride them for an extended period, using less muscle power. Therefore the calories burnt will be more.

In short, they are an ideal choice for the workout, and they are also cheaper than mountain bikes. Of course, road bikes with high-quality materials are a bit expensive, but you can grab most of the average road bikes at a lesser amount. So in terms of workout, road bikes are a good choice, but you should keep in mind the area you live.

The cons of a road bike

The thin framework of a road bike will not endure as much as a mountain bike can, which means that your body is more vulnerable to taking every bump in the road leading to uneasiness, and it can demotivate you from further riding.

One more disadvantage is that the posture required for riding a road bike is uncomfortable for most people. And this incorrect posturing can cause backaches and other issues. The structure of a road bike’s tires offers you the choice to only ride them on tarmac roads. It means that you can travel on a trail or harsher terrains using a road bike.

The pros of a mountain bike

If you wish to lose some weight amount in the bike can be the best choice for you. It is because a mountain bike has a sturdy frame capable of holding a large amount of weight. It means that you will need to work harder, and thus, a better workout is possible. But it will also result in bike repair such as tire punctures. Moreover, as it is heavyweight, it demands more effort. And putting more effort means burning more calories and fats.

Thus using a mountain bike can help build muscles and strengthen your cores quickly. The sitting position is also upright; therefore, your body will feel relaxed and comfortable riding your bike.

Is choosing a mountain bike for workouts a good idea?

Mountain bikes are suitable for cardio and strength exercises, and yes, they burn more calories than road bikes. You can ride them on bumpy terrains like mountains. They have potent suspensions and gears and are a good way for exercise and transportation purposes also.

As mentioned earlier, mountain bikes burn a lot of calories, but it is not the feature of the bike but the road that is the terrain. As you ride mountain bikes on mountains, you will have to put extra effort and work hard to climb the hills. It helps burn calories because you are carrying your weight and the weight of the bike. As the surface becomes rougher, the rider has to put more effort, making it hard to ride. Not only in the mountains but you can use a mountain bike for road trips too. But if your motto is only to reduce weight or burn some calories, why spend money on expensive mountain bikes? Riding a mountain bike requires planning and preparation and also a good amount of experience.

Without all these, if you buy a mountain bike, your ride can be uncomfortable and cause you to harm yourself and waste money. If you are adventurous enough and want to climb a mountain using a bike, you can surely go on a mountain bike. But to burn calories and build a physique, a mountain bike is not the first choice.

The cons of a mountain bike

The heavier frame of the mountain bike is a plus point, but it is also a drawback. Because the heavier frame will make it difficult for you to ride uphill, and if you are unfit to move a heavier object, it can also lead to injuries. Another disadvantage is that mountain bikes have thick tires. And this feature makes them slow to accelerate and does not allow them to move fast.

So if you want to increase your cardio, then a mountain bike is not a perfect option. But yes, you can build your leg muscles because you will require more effort to propel thick tires. Choosing a mountain bike can also increase the risk of injuries.


If you want to lose weight or do a workout, the bike you ride doesn’t matter, but how you ride matters. Both road bikes and mountain bikes are suitable for exercise. All that matters is your budget, the area you live in, and how much time you would like to spend riding the bike. For losing weight, starting with a root bike is an excellent option. But if you want to ride uphill, then you have to choose a mountain bike.

In short, you should buy a cycle only based on your needs. Because if you are living near mountains or hills, then purchasing a road bike will not be suitable for you. And for exercise, you can also try regular bikes or spin bikes. You can also visit reviewscast.com to review bikes and choose the best bike for you. This site will provide information regarding the best offers and deals available on road bikes and mountain bikes.

So remember to spend your money wisely and do not end up buying something which will become useless. Now you know about the pros and cons of both road and mountain bikes, so you can quickly select among them according to your requirements.
